Yes. We received our 501(c)3 status in September of 2014. Our EIN number is #45-2910576.
We are eligible to receive your tax deductible donation to the extent allowed by law.
We are able to house 10 teens that are pregnant with no current child, 5 teens that are pregnant and have one child, and 15 women that are affected by domestic violence and human trafficking with up to 2 kids.
Each case is different and unique that enters the doors of The Butterfly Home. We will evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. Young mothers who are pregnant, homeless, and parenting can stay at The Butterfly Home for the duration of their pregnancy, and then up to a year after their baby is born. Our hope is for the mother and baby to return to a safe and stable home environment with their families. If the young women is of age we will assist her in locating transitional housing until she can learn to live independently.
All residents of The Butterfly Home is expected to continue or finish their education either in public school, private school, homeschooling situation, or GED program. Mothers are also expected to attend a religious service that is in line with their faith. In addition, mothers are expected to volunteer in the community, and at the facility. In addition, mothers will complete a parenting curriculum that includes childcare/parenting, budgeting, job skills, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles. Each girl will be responsible for cleaning her own space, taking care of her laundry, and assisting in meal preparation.
Shanna Smith is the executive director. We also have a 24-hour residential staff person, 24 hour security guard, and 24 hour nurse on staff. Case managers and family counselors are contracted to manage the practical side of life. However, The Butterfly Home is primarily volunteer driven. Volunteers run everything from mailings, some housework, event planning, fundraisers, writing policies and procedures, contributing to the newsletter and blog, running social media etc.